Previous Trainings
2023 Roadsoft Special Topics: Culvert Module
Topics include using the LDC to collect culvert locations and data. And using Roadsoft to add, view, delete and update culvert data.
2023 Roadsoft User Group Meeting - Sept
Join Roadsoft staff for our online RUG meeting and learn about the latest changes and improvements to the Roadsoft software suite.
2023 Roadsoft Treatment Value Assessment Roundtable
CTT is looking for assistance in developing training and potentially enhancing Roadsoft’s functionality to assist road agencies with assessing the value of the treatments they apply.
2023 Intro to Roadsoft: Just the Basics 2-Day Webinar - May
This 2-day webinar is for new users who only need to know the basics of getting Roadsoft up and running, finding data, doing minor data updates, and running simple reports.
2023 Roadsoft User Group Meeting - Apr
Join Roadsoft staff for our online RUG meeting and learn about the latest changes and improvements to the Roadsoft software suite.
2023 Master the RS Data Collection Cycle for Planning Organizations
This training is intended for those Metropolitan/Regional Planning Organizations responsible for PASER/IBR data collection and submittal.
2023 Meeting the TAMC Investment Reporting Requirements - Mar
Learn how to enter road and bridge project data, translate Roadsoft treatments to IRT project classifications, export TAMC project reporting files for the IRT, upload files to the IRT, complete the TAMC reporting requirements.
2023 Roadsoft Special Topics: Laptop Data Collector
This training will familiarize new Roadsoft user with the Laptop Data Collector (LDC).
Topics include: What is the LDC?, Connecting & configuring a GPS, Data collection cycle, LDC settings, LDC module overviews
Topics include: What is the LDC?, Connecting & configuring a GPS, Data collection cycle, LDC settings, LDC module overviews
2023 Roadsoft Special Topics: Roadsoft Mobile App
Familiar with Roadsoft and want to learn about the Roadsoft Mobile App? Attendees will learn the basics of getting the app up and running.
2022 Intro to Roadsoft: Just the Basics 2-Day Webinar - Dec
This 2-day webinar is for new users who only need to know the basics of getting Roadsoft up and running, finding data, doing minor data updates, and running simple reports.